“God often brings men to a crisis to show them their own weakness and to point them to the source of strength. If they pray and watch unto prayer, fighting bravely, their weak points will become their strong points. Jacob’s experience contains many valuable lessons for us. God taught Jacob that in his own strength he could never gain the victory, that he must wrestle with God for strength from above.”
2MCP 454.2

I’ll tell you what, I’m always tempted to just mentally check out until the difficulty abates so I don’t have to deal with it head on. But no strength is gained that way and loss is sustained. As hard as it is to face challenges and actually work through them, it’s the only prescription for growth.

One Reply to “Aja, Aja…Fighting!”

  1. I’m slowly realizing that if things were easy then the necessary lesson has already been learned. But with difficulty is opportunity. I say slowly as I’m often tempted to check out as well.

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