My name is Sikhu Daco (nee Sikhululekile Hlatshwayo). A native of Zimbabwe, I received my International Baccalaureate Diploma from Pearson College, a United World College located in Victoria, on the beautiful island of Vancouver, Brittish Columbia. I graduated, in 2006, from Wellesley College, with a double major in French and Biochemistry. And once I complete the thesis for my MA in Religion (emphasis in Systematic Theology), I can add Andrews University to my alma maters.

I love spending time with my husband and sons. And I love my job. Someday soon, I’ll pick up my hobbies of running and knitting and pleasure reading once again. Soon! But I wouldn’t mind if even sooner, I get to hear God sing.

5 Replies to “About me”

  1. I have been looking for you for a while.I am glad you are well and so dearly miss you.Be blessed always.Carol from BG

  2. HI Sikhu,

    I saw your talk for 2013 at the summer camp, it was referenced in the bulletin for this week, Penticton SDA. Please email me, I have a question as to if you know anything about Grace Amadon’s work? I am writing a research paper regarding Genesis 1:14-17 and the time system of our great Creator and Father in heaven, which Jesus Christ used.

  3. God is good its this week when i watched you preaching about Erukana and Hana and i was attached and learnt that we should trust in Him whtever the circumstance,i pray that God bless your nice family,an Bonnie M.Lubowa from Uganda.

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