2017 has been jam-packed with miracles for my family so far! I can’t be exhaustive in this post but God deserves praise for all He has been doing for us so I must, at least, list some of the great things He has been doing.

Baby Incoming: We begun this year with the good news of another addition to our family! I feel so blessed to be able to bear children and so privileged to experience motherhood with more than one child. It has been a much easier pregnancy than the first and I’m so grateful for that because of the other blessings God has bestowed on us.

New Job: We’d begun the application process last year but it was also confirmed at the beginning of this year that I was switching jobs. I loved my work with public campus ministry. In fact, one of the draws of this new job was that my ministry would still be geared towards the same demographic. But now I get to explore an area of interest I’ve been developing over the years – Editing! So in February I started a new job as editorial assistant for the young adult division of the Sabbath School Department at the General Conference.

Relocating: We were apprehensive about the move for many reasons. How would we afford a house in Maryland? We didn’t want to be surrounded by the sound of traffic and sirens all the time. What would happen with our house in Michigan? Well…the condensed version is that God has and is working it all out in our favor! Hallelujah!

Childcare: Most recently, God answered another one of our prayers for help with child care when my maternity leave is over. With miraculous flair, He has provided the visa and travel costs for my sister to come and help us out!

There’s so much more I could say about the, oh, so many ways God has been unfairly kind to us! I’m so undeserving of such goodness and yet He just keeps on blessing! Praise His holy Name!