Yep, it happened again! Fell off my bike…

About this time, last year, I was halfway through my ride when my foot slipped from the pedal and into the front wheel, stalling the bike and tossing me over the handle bars. It was my first fall off a bike (I didn’t even fall when I was learning to ride!)

Then this past Sunday, towards the end of the ride, I hit some gravel going too fast with road bike wheels…lost control…saw the ground headed my way…and…well 🙂

After my first fall, the thought of getting back on the bike scared me. But this time, I could hardly wait to get back on.

The first time, every ache and pain from the fall made me worry about the future. Yet, as stinging as the peroxide was to my wounds this time around, the pain was almost exhilarating – kinda like a welcome reminder that I’m alive.

In essence, I think my perspective on painful experiences has evolved over the course of this past year. Of course pain still hurts, but it isn’t the worst thing that could ever happen to you! Sometimes, it’s actually the best thing!

2 Replies to “about falling off bikes”

  1. u never fell when learning to ride?! wow. I fell many many times. but pain was never almost exhilarating for me. haha. but I get it. Sometimes we do need a reminder that we are alive and well instead of taking it for granted. THanks for the reminder to be thankful for our pains too ^^

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